Don’t Block

‘There’s a lot of s**t talked about photography, but you go out and take a photo of something you like with any camera; if you enjoy that image, then it’s a good photo. It’s really that simple.’ 

I wrote that on this blog’s ‘About’ page when I started it 15 years ago. The statement still holds today. The debate about whether smartphones are ‘serious cameras’ doesn’t concern me; it’s pointless and ridiculous. A camera is a camera, and it’s the final image that matters. 

It’s also been 15 years since I got my first iPhone. The original chrome-backed clamshell design was technically and aesthetically revolutionary compared to any of the Nokia phones I’d owned. But what excited me more than the device itself was what some of the apps could do for me as a photographer. The app that interested me the most, and still does, is Hipstamatic—all the images here were produced with that app and an iPhone 13. 


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