54.26° N, 4.68° W

These are the last images from ‘Holmtown’ that I’ll be sharing, for now; I’ve got to the point where I need to collate everything I have and get it all into some order. Also, there are dozens of faces I want to photograph in and around the harbour and breakwater area of Peel, some of them who are involved in the fishing industry on the Isle of Man but don’t necessarily go out to sea.
Since I started this project, I’ve had requests for images and words from maritime-related publications, both online and print, so I have a stack of writing to do. Then, of course, there are the 30 billion words I have to conjure-up to go with my MA… oh, and I have to earn some money, so as well as commercial shoots, band promos, weddings and portrait commissions, I’ll also be delivering flowers and erecting marquees.
All the images here were made using a Nikon F100, 28mm 1.8G and 50mm 1.4G. Film is Kodak Ektar 100 and Colorplus 200. I know a few people who follow my blog like the technical details of shoots (I certainly do), so it may be of interest that over the next few weeks I’m going to be on the lookout for a ‘proper’ waterproof camera – the fully manual Nikonos III is top of the list.


  1. I have a huge amount of admiration for you, Phil. These are the images that people will be looking at for centuries, you’re documenting something special and important, and you’re doing it extremely well. Be proud of yourself.

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    1. Let’s be honest, Mr Kneen – I know that you’ve put a huge amount of background work into this project so far. I know that you don’t just turn-up on Peel breakwater and expect to be taken out for a free boat trip 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Mike. Yes, a lot of groundwork is required – these fishermen want to be sure, quite rightly, that I’m not portraying them in a negative way. For this trawler crew alone, it took me three or four trips to start getting the types of shots I wanted. Like anything, trust is earned over time.

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