Slight to Moderate

img_6025Shipping forecast for the North Irish Sea

Valid for 24 Hours
Issued on Friday, 17 February 2017 at 06:50am by Ronaldsway Met Office
Warnings – Strong winds.
State of sea – Slight or moderate, becoming mainly moderate tonight, except in the south-east of the area.
Visibility – Good, falling moderate or poor in rain and drizzle.

sdim0355Since I started shooting this project, about three months ago, I’ve been asked on several occasions whether I could work on a scallop dredger, not as a photographer, but as a fisherman. Despite the unfortunate sea sickness that I suffer, something I’d eventually get used to, apparently, the answer is yes. There’s an unvarying routine to scallop dredging that appeals to me – not in a tedious or monotonous way, quite the opposite; I find the whole process to be quite relaxing and mindful. Having said all of that, I think if I was out in a force 9, when the waves are hitting the boat broadside like a foaming white conveyer belt of death, and I was lying in the wheelhouse begging the skipper to get me to dry land, things might be different..

All images here were made using an iPhone 6s and VSCOcam. I’m shooting the actual project on film using various cameras and film stock.

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  1. Why bother shooting film? This ‘Rennasance’ for analogue really irritates me, if I’m honest – I bet you were happy enough with your images when you were shooting digital, but suddenly it’s become fashionable. Unless you’re making handmade prints, nobody can tell the difference, and even then I’m not sure it’s evident to all but the keenest of eyes. Don’t fall for the Emporer’s New Clothes, Phil.


    1. Do you know what, James, I’ve had a long day, so I really can’t be arsed getting into a film v digital argument with you – anyone with the slightest interest or knowledge in photography will know that it’s a moot subject. I shoot film and digital, each has its place, and believe me – there’s a huge difference.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You weren’t shooting film until a couple of years ago – you were more than happy with your shots then? I just feel you’re another new wave snapper who’s jumping on the film bandwagon.


  2. Sebastião Salgado now shoots on digital, uses VSCO to make the images look like film, shoots the print with a 5×4 film camera and then makes prints off those negs… what’s the point in that?! You’ve done virtually the same thing – why use a digiital camera and then try and make the images look like they were shot on film?


    1. I totally agree with you – Sebastião Salgado’s process is convoluted and somewhat pointless. So, we agree on something 🙂

      iPhone images are digital and inherently flat and boring looking, VSCOcam merely brings them to life a bit and can be done quickly and easily – hardly the same process or reasoning as Mr Salgado. I think once you’ve had your coffee and Shredded Wheat and calmed down a bit, you’ll agree.
      Oh, btw, are you a photographer yourself? Do you have a link where I could see your work?

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    1. Better? That’s like saying that oil paints are better than watercolour, or a frying pan is better than a saucepan – for low light photography, or scientific uses, press photography and commercial where images are required asap – in these cases, digital is the way forward, and if I’m doing any of those things I’ll use digital.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. James, I’m guessing that Phil shoots film because it’s what he enjoys doing and has enjoyed doing long before shooting film was considered ‘jumping on the bandwagon’.


      2. Looking at the detail and pixel count, I don’t even believe these were shot using an iPhone – who’d even know? A couple of fishermen that wouldn’t know the difference between a DSLR and a cod.


      3. James, you’re quite the charmer, aren’t you. The only digital camera I own at the moment is on my iPhone 6s. The three men on the Sarah Lena have forgotten more about technology than you’ll ever know. And they all use iPhones.


  3. Looking forward to see the film results! Yes, digital may be “technically superior” but I’m sorry that I love the way film is, and will continue to use both. Sometimes I wish I had some digi camera and never loock back, but I like film too much. Also, colour neg takes Spanish light so nicely.

    Still using the Lighthouse lab? I’ve got a backlog of more rolls than usual but I’ve got some paranoia of losing them in transit, these are going registered for sure. Last parcel of 3 seem to have taken a holiday in Moscow, and out of thrift sent unregistered until now. Soviet post transit times… But the guys have great rates and are awesome as a lab.
    Now, the above would puzzle and blow minds of some people and fellow commenters, hah!

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