St. Tropeel, Isle of Man

DSC_1601When I’m not taking photos or causing trouble in the pub, I love to kayak. We’ve had some amazing weather here on the Isle of Man, so I took my camera out with me last night  on a paddle down the coast from my home town of Peel. We had hoped to see Basking Shark and Minke Whale that had been spotted earlier in the day, however, all we saw were the usual seals…First World problems!

DSC_1626 DSC_2244 DSC_1976-EditI couldn’t find the strap for my waterproof housing before we left, so I used the lanyard off an old press pass – BIG mistake. The lanyard has an anti-strangle thing on it which snaps under a very small load…as I said, big mistake. And expensive.



  1. A couple of good pics there. Always wanted to go to the Man. I can see it very clearly from my house (Cloughey, Ards Peninsula, NI) Would love to bring the camera and see the TT and natural scenery. Sorry to hear about your bad luck.


  2. Hi and thanks for following my blog. From having a quick look through your blog, your work is incredible but I especially love the first image on this post.
    Sorry about your camera casing!


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